Find the light
Be the light
Share the light

Partnering with horses to help people find self-love, joy, connection, and freedom while navigating their life’s challenges.

Hi, my name is Siera. I am a certified Equine Gestalt Coach and am so excited to help people find freedom, connection, and joy. I grew up as an over-achieving student, daughter, sister, and swimmer. The teen that wanted to meet everyone’s expectations, fit in, and feel loved. After graduating college and while working my full-time finance job, I found myself back on the pool deck as a swim coach where I had the opportunity to coach many ages and found my real passion is teens.

Teens & Adolescent Connection Coaching

Adults & Veterans Coaching

Equine Facilitation Days
Parents, Guardians, Teachers, Counselors, Coaches, and Friends

Have you noticed you are having a hard time connecting with your teen or maybe you’ve noticed they aren’t quite themselves? Is your teen feeling overwhelmed with trying to meet everyone’s expectations? Maybe they are striving to get the 4.0 GPA, doing all they can to make the varsity team, trying to fit into the popular group at school, and being the “good kid” that makes everyone proud. You’ve watched them go from being a confident, playful, bright, energetic light to becoming exhausted, sad, and losing their sense of freedom to be who they want, their connection to themselves, their self-love, and their joy.
How would it feel to see your teen full of joy and happiness; feeling free to be who they are; to see them connected to their family and friends; and to experience your teen showing themselves love?
Well, good news… My horse and I are here to help! In an Equine Gestalt Session my horse and I create a safe, non-judgemental space to help your teen navigate the expectations of life, overcome any pain or hurt they are experiencing, and find their joy and happiness again. Your teen will leave the session feeling more freedom, connection, self-love, peace, confidence, and joy.
We are so excited to help bring the bright, energetic light within them forward!


Are you feeling under the pressure of living up to everyone’s expectations? Are you trying to figure out who YOU are while hearing all the voices and opinions of who you “should” be? Do you feel like no one really understands you or hears you?
Imagine being able to freely express your feelings, share your secrets, get rid of your pain, and celebrate your successes. In an Equine Gestalt session, my horse and I create a safe space where we fully see and hear you. No peer pressure, no feeling like you have to fit into a certain box, and no walking on eggshells; rather a chance to be unapologetically YOU.
My horse and I are here to help you work through anything and everything going on in your life. You will have the freedom to express your feelings without judgement, feel connected and supported by me and the horse, and find a sense of peace, calm, and joy.
We are so excited to work with you!
What is Equine Gestalt Coaching?
In the simpliest terms, Equine Gestalt Coaching is the process by which I and my horse partner work with you to facilitate the change you want to create in your life. For a little more detail, watch this video!