Your Coach
Hi, my name is Siera. I am a certified Equine Gestalt Coach and am so excited to help people find freedom, connection, and joy.
I grew up as an over-achieving student, daughter, sister, and swimmer. The teen that wanted to meet everyone’s expectations, fit in, and feel loved. After graduating college and while working my full-time finance job, I found myself back on the pool deck as a swim coach where I had the opportunity to coach many ages and found my real passion is teens.
The teenage years can feel confusing, exciting, lonely, and full of expectations. They think they will have a big group of friends, pass notes in class, be liked by everyone, and have endless laughter and fun. When in reality it can be early mornings at practice to make the team, late nights studying for that math test, college applications, only a few friends, and fighting with parents and/or siblings while keeping everything bottled up and pretending it’s all ok (insert my life).
These are the years it’s important to have someone they feel safe with to open the cap on the bottle and let everything out. To have someone they know will see them, hear them, and support them. That is where my passion comes in! Allowing a teen to find the freedom to be who their soul wants to be, to express their joys and their grievances, and to work through their life’s challenges.
Working with the teens as a swim coach lit my heart and soul on fire and I’m so excited to move into this new avenue while continuing to work with teens. My horse and I are here for it!
My message to you:
I see you. I hear you. I feel you. I respect you.

About Bubba
Hi, my name is Bubba. I am an ex-Amish horse that was rescued and adopted by my Mom Siera. When I was an Amish horse I was not seen or heard by my family. I was expected to keep on driving the buggy even though my mind, body, and soul really hurt. I was physically and emotionally worn down and I felt very sad and alone. One day the family decided I was too broken down to pull the buggy and shipped me off to an unknown place. This is where I was rescued and hopeful for a second chance and a better life. Since the first day Siera and I met, she has provided a safe space for me to be me. She has shown me so much love, patience, and care that I now feel seen and heard. As partners, Siera and I create a safe space for our clients to show up as they are and help them leave feeling more freedom, connection, peace, joy, and love.

About the EGCMethod®

Gestalt is a German word that means roughly moving into wholeness. It is an experiential method of coaching that helps you find the answers to the things troubling you — and to discharge the troubling energy around those things permanently. Through Gestalt, you will experience present moment awarenesses that will truly shift your perspective and your life to the better.
The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® was developed by Melisa Pearce, a core founder since 1989, of the horse-human healing movement. The experiential nature of the method involves the horse as an active partner with the coach in the client’s exploratory process. The integrative approach of the equine’s interaction combined with positive coaching, somatic awareness, guidance and Gestalt methodology, assist the client in examining their life and choices made with a focus on designing a positive future.
In a recent scientific study, 96% of particpants found themselves feeling more hopeful about the future after an EGC Session and 96% said they would particpate in this type of coaching again. You can read more about that study on the Touched by a Horse website.
Preparing for your EGC Session
Your EGCMethod session with the horse will be outdoors or in an enclosed arena. Be sure to dress appropriately to be outdoors and in the weather. Although you may choose not to go into the pen with the horse, almost everyone does — please wear close toed shoes. You will not ride the horse. No horse experience is necessary.
Want to schedule an appointment?